
My Beermoney Journey
My Beermoney journey started before I even knew it had a proper name. I was stuck inside during lockdown and wanted to find ways to make a little extra cash online. I ended up trying a lot of different ways and this blog is the result. I discovered the Beermoney subreddit last year and found it a very useful resource to find better ways to make Beer money. This blog is also inspired by The Serial Entrepreneur and all the other various blogs I used for my own research.
What does beer money mean?
According to Wikipedia Beermoney comes from the 1800’s when soldiers on home service were given 1 penny per day as a replacement for daily issuance of beer. For a more modern definition we have to turn to the subreddit: Beermoney is mostly online money-making opportunities. You shouldn’t expect to make a living, but it is possible to make extra cash on the side for your habits/needs (Or in other words to buy your beers on the weekends guilt-free).
Why is this website called Cider Money?
Simple, I don’t drink beer, so I use the extra cash to buy cider instead!
What is this blog about?
This blog is record of all the ways that I’ve attempted to make money online, with my insights and recommendations along the way.